Pet Radars > 10 > ‘Shrek’ Is Being Rebooted With Original Voice Cast, Including Donkey Spinoff – Inside the Magic
‘Shrek’ Is Being Rebooted With Original Voice Cast, Including Donkey Spinoff – Inside the Magic
'Shrek' Is Being Rebooted With Original Voice Cast, Including Donkey Spinoff - Inside the Magic,The new Shrek reboot is currently in the works, which will bring back the original voice cast, and a Donkey spinoff.

‘Shrek’ Is Being Rebooted With Original Voice Cast, Including Donkey Spinoff – Inside the Magic

There is no denying that animation seems to be better than ever. Though Disney and Pixar were always at the top of the animation world, companies like Illumination, DreamWorks, and Sony”s Spider-Verse movies have shown that there are plenty of companies that can deliver some fantastic stories in the animated world. Speaking of Illumination, they are mulling over bringing back the original voice cast for a proposed Shrek reboot.

Credit: DreamWorks

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Rumplestilskin did erase the ogre”s history in the last movie, so some sort of magical spell could make sure that Shrek essentially starts over again. Either way, there are plenty of exciting ways in which the original voice cast can return to one of the most beloved animated franchises in the world.

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