Pet Radars > 10 > Renault 5 returns as £25k EV supermini – and it’s full of nods to classic motor
Renault 5 returns as £25k EV supermini – and it’s full of nods to classic motor
Renault 5 returns as £25k EV supermini - and it's full of nods to classic motor,SOME things from the Eighties need to stay in the ­Eighties. Shell suits, Milli Vanilli and Chris Waddle’s mullet spring to mind. Actually, I’m on a roll, Grolsch bottle tops on your DMs (that’s Do…

Renault 5 returns as £25k EV supermini – and it’s full of nods to classic motor

SOME things from the Eighties need to stay in the ­Eighties. Shell suits, Milli Vanilli and Chris Waddle’s mullet spring to mind. Actually, I’m on a roll, Grolsch bottle tops on your DMs (that’s Do…