Pet Radars > 10 > I test drove Nissan’s EV that divided opinion – I’m 6ft 5in but it’s so upright I could wear a top hat & still have room
I test drove Nissan’s EV that divided opinion – I’m 6ft 5in but it’s so upright I could wear a top hat & still have room
I test drove Nissan’s EV that divided opinion – I’m 6ft 5in but it’s so upright I could wear a top hat & still have room,A MOTORS expert who test drove Nissan’s EV said that he could wear a top hat and still have room despite being 6ft 5in. Seyth Miersma, took the handy Nissan Sakura EV for a spin and gave a de…

I test drove Nissan’s EV that divided opinion – I’m 6ft 5in but it’s so upright I could wear a top hat & still have room

A MOTORS expert who test drove Nissan’s EV said that he could wear a top hat and still have room despite being 6ft 5in. Seyth Miersma, took the handy Nissan Sakura EV for a spin and gave a de…