Pet Radars > 31 > Hafthor Bjornsson TEARS PEC off the bone in horrific 252kg bench press accident
Hafthor Bjornsson TEARS PEC off the bone in horrific 252kg bench press accident
Hafthor Bjornsson TEARS PEC off the bone in horrific 252kg bench press accident,HAFTHOR BJORNSSON suffered a horrific torn pectoral muscle during a mammoth bench press attempt. The Icelandic giant recently returned to the powerlifting world following two years off to pursue bo…

Hafthor Bjornsson TEARS PEC off the bone in horrific 252kg bench press accident

HAFTHOR BJORNSSON suffered a horrific torn pectoral muscle during a mammoth bench press attempt. The Icelandic giant recently returned to the powerlifting world following two years off to pursue bo…