Pet Radars > 5 > I’m a PT – 5 exercises that are a waste of time if you want to look like Kim K
I’m a PT – 5 exercises that are a waste of time if you want to look like Kim K
I’m a PT - 5 exercises that are a waste of time if you want to look like Kim K,KEEN to get some curves? If a butt like Kim Kardashian is high up on your wishlist, then you may have found yourself trawling the internet for advice.  What are the right exercises for a derri…

I’m a PT – 5 exercises that are a waste of time if you want to look like Kim K

KEEN to get some curves? If a butt like Kim Kardashian is high up on your wishlist, then you may have found yourself trawling the internet for advice.  What are the right exercises for a derri…