Pet Radars > 32 > I turned Citroen into bedroom on wheels after 5 months sleeping on mum’s sofa
I turned Citroen into bedroom on wheels after 5 months sleeping on mum’s sofa
I turned Citroen into bedroom on wheels after 5 months sleeping on mum's sofa,A BRIT woman has transformed her car into a bedroom to beat the cost of living crisis. TikToker Zoe Bond turned to living in her car after sleeping on her mum’s sofa for five months. With a b…

I turned Citroen into bedroom on wheels after 5 months sleeping on mum’s sofa

A BRIT woman has transformed her car into a bedroom to beat the cost of living crisis. TikToker Zoe Bond turned to living in her car after sleeping on her mum’s sofa for five months. With a b…