Pet Radars > 33 > I tried viral €7.99 Ryanair under the seat bag for trip but got big shock at airport
I tried viral €7.99 Ryanair under the seat bag for trip but got big shock at airport
I tried viral €7.99 Ryanair under the seat bag for trip but got big shock at airport,A TRAVEL fan has tried a viral under the seat bag for Ryanair flights – but got a big shock when she arrived at the airport. TikToker @priscilaamonroy took a leap of faith and bought the vira…

I tried viral €7.99 Ryanair under the seat bag for trip but got big shock at airport

A TRAVEL fan has tried a viral under the seat bag for Ryanair flights – but got a big shock when she arrived at the airport. TikToker @priscilaamonroy took a leap of faith and bought the vira…