Pet Radars > 5 > I got A-listers’ favourite fat-busting jab – how I felt after was shocking
I got A-listers’ favourite fat-busting jab – how I felt after was shocking
I got A-listers' favourite fat-busting jab - how I felt after was shocking,MORE expensive and addictive than cocaine, and injected like heroin, it is the new Hollywood recreational drug du jour. Introducing Ozempic, the “miracle” fat-loss jab now hitting the UK. So in dem…

I got A-listers’ favourite fat-busting jab – how I felt after was shocking

MORE expensive and addictive than cocaine, and injected like heroin, it is the new Hollywood recreational drug du jour. Introducing Ozempic, the “miracle” fat-loss jab now hitting the UK. So in dem…